Rep Firm Ready App,
Right Out of the Box
Connect. Forecast. Grow.
Integrates the multi-factory aspects of the industry.

NEW Orgo Mobile UX
Features Quick Key Access
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Enter Sales Activity
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View Client History
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Mobile UX for Quick Entry Sales Activity & Processes
Gain Valuable Industry & Regional Insights from YOUR Data
New Charts & Graphs Streamline Sales Evaluation
Making Sales Has Never Been Easier with Orgo Sales Engine
Organizing your business is our business – time to get Orgo-nized!
Owning a Rep Group requires a special set of skills, including effective time management. Every moment you spend tracking down commissions, following up with your team on progress reports, and sorting spreadsheets is time spent away from doing what you do best – SELL! Orgo was designed by-Reps-for-Reps and will save you a great deal of time and money on many of the complexities associated with the manufacturer-dealer relationship through its cloud software.
Benefits of Utilizing Orgo for Owners & Management include:
- Insightful Reporting & Analytics – Recently developed NEW Charts & Graphs specific to Rep/Manuf/Dealer relationships to help you keep your finger on the pulse of your business in real time.
- NEW Mobile UX – Mobile UX give Reps the opportunity to focus on selling with quick and easy access to information in the field from a mobile device.
- Reconcile Your Commissions – Don’t have an inside person? No problem! Tracking sales and commissions is simple with our pre-programed relational management software.
- Close More Sales – New leads come from many sources and Orgo gives you the ability to easily track important new opportunities.
- Assign Actionable Tasks – Allows you to assign action items to your team to keep them focused.
Sales Team
We Orgo-nize the sales process the way you need it, right out of the box!
Do you find yourself spending more time on tracking down paperwork, notes and quotes than actually selling? The sales process has never been easier with the Orgo Sales Engine! Our cloud-based, mobile ready app allows for you to access important client files, notes, discounts and quotes from the convenience of your mobile device or tablet. We understand the intricate relationships of Reps, Manufacturers, Dealers and Consultants – so we created pre-programmed software to intuitively map your activities, to-do’s and quote info under each bucket with the touch of a button. Don’t waste time or company resources on the long development process of customizing expensive software – we are rep firm ready, right out of the box!
Features Sales People will love…
- Mobile UX – Our new app allows for quickly and easily accessing customer notes, where you can record activities, discounts, and To-Do’s from your mobile device while out in the field.
- Close More Sales – Our quick search feature means you can pull up leads and opportunities on the fly to make extra sales calls or drop-ins while you’re already out visiting clients.
- Manage Quotes Quickly – Quotes can be uploaded and mapped, so when you need to follow up quickly, everything is at your fingertips – Bye-Bye paperwork!
- Orgo-nize Your Day – Ditch the sticky notes once and for all! Our To-Do & Reminder features allow you to set your days and weeks up for success to maximize your time.
Sales Team
Say goodbye to endless commission spreadsheets and HELLO to streamlined reconciliation with Orgo Sales Engine!
Whether you have a team of internal people and accountants, or simply manage this part of your business on your own, let’s face it – the Rep accounting procedures can be complicated! From multiple Factory spreadsheets to new lead reports after tradeshows, it’s easy to fall behind and simply give up on tracking down critical commission payments and opportunities for your Rep organization. We designed Orgo Sales Engine with your business in mind – because we’ve been there! Rather than employing an army or expensive accountants, get back to focusing on selling and leave the hard work to us. Rep Firm Ready, Right Out of the Box!
- Importing Made Easy – Out-of-the-box streamlined importing tools allow you to upload Factory and Quote reports in minutes.
- Reconcile Sales & Commissions – Tracking your sales and the commissions has never been simpler with our preprogramed orgo-nization between Dealers, Factories and Consultants.
- Insightful Reporting & Analytics – Orgo’s NEW Charts & Graphs Reporting Toolbox is designed to highlight year over year sales, so you know exactly where your business stands with the click of a button.
- Manage Complex Projects – Managing large complex projects between multiple entities is easy right out of the box – no expensive customization needed!
Schedule a Demo
Sign up now for a free consultation and receive Orgo’s Tips & Tricks of the Trade FREE!
3091 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 210
Aurora, CO 80015
303-578-6746 • 866-976-6746