Managing your overall business in 2021 has never been more important. All of us are still feeling the effects of COVID-19 on the economy globally, nationally, and locally. Because the manufacturing industry was particularly hard hit with products barely moving, manufacturers and manufacturer rep agencies have had to pivot to just stay in the game. The gradual opening of the economy in 2021 has afforded us all the opportunity to re-engage.
And now that we’ve just past midyear, it’s probably a good time to assess if our 2021 strategy is taking us in the direction we want to go and whether we need to make adjustments to achieve our annual targets. We’ll want to compare this year’s performance YTD against last year’s performance YTD. We may also want to look more closely and compare performance by specific month year over year.
Because the landscape across our customers has also changed, we want to identify which manufacturers and dealers are still selling. Since selling this year, in particular, has been somewhat uneven and unpredictable, the midyear reports we seek need to adjust for the “one-off” months, so we can focus on overall performance. It’s this kind of business intelligence that will help us prioritize our efforts through the remainder of the year and begin to shape our investment strategies going into 2022.
In the attached video, take a look at how Orgo’s software generates these relevant reports that provide that temperature reading on your business today. It’s organized by factory or dealer, making it easy to identify trouble spots or success areas. Stay tuned to the end to catch a glimpse of graphical representations, if you find graphs easier to digest than tables.