Multi-line sales reps are often bogged down by the sheer volume of daily information they need to manage. From tracking leads to monitoring sales progress and managing multiple product lines, there are a lot of details to juggle. Orgo Sales Engine is a powerful tool...
Our first Live Learning 2023 will be held on Thursday, January 19th, at 1:00 EST. This upcoming session is the perfect chance to get a first look at recent updates that we have made to the Orgo Sales Engine. We have tailored the content of these sessions with customer...
The Orgo Sales Engine team is happy to announce the release of our new streamlined Orgo Helpdesk. The updated format reflects our intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly design. Resources have been consolidated to improve accessibility to information and tools for...
Leadership and management books alike provide best practices for how to ensure that assigned projects and tasks are completed on time and in budget. While implementing these best practices, however, most sales managers struggle in creating that balance between...
Managing your overall business in 2021 has never been more important. All of us are still feeling the effects of COVID-19 on the economy globally, nationally, and locally. Because the manufacturing industry was particularly hard hit with products barely moving,...