My experience suggests that well-implemented data management can help strike that balance. The caveat is the modifier: well-implemented. By training your teams to document their activities in cloud-based web applications (in particular, their quotes), managers need not repeatedly pester their reps for information updates. Instead, managers can run activity reports weekly, bi-weekly, and/or monthly to get a sense of progress and to see where their reps are investing their time.
Having reviewed the existing data, managers can ask educated questions; provide guidance in areas where they identify a need for a rep’s additional attention; or set customer engagement goals. For instance, by observing quote activity, it’s easy for managers to see what factory opportunities are likely to close and which are a waste of time. They can also see whether reps are following through on engagement targets. From a rep’s perspective, their managers are aware of their activities without having to interrupt frequently for status updates.
In the attached video, see how Orgo’s Quotes Report works to give managers a real time snapshot of what their team is doing. The customizable features of this report can provide context by factory, by dealer, and/or by individual rep. How would you use this type of report to implement effective accountability in your organization?